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USA Soccer Club

The mission of USA SC is to give any and all kids the opportunity to continue to develop on and off the field. Our objective is to produce great soccer players, but most importantly great human beings by building character, discipline, self-esteem, confidence, respect and teamwork through the great sport of soccer. Our vision is to promote an appreciation for the game of soccer and enhance community through a family like atmosphere. USA SC will be a culture of family, friends and sport. Our intention is to share our philosophy and development methods to better our kids on and off the field. Our number one priority are the kids. 


USA SC es el nuevo club iniciado por Daniel Hernandez para dar a todos los niños una oportunidad para seguir creciendo dentro y afuera de la cancha. USA SC está comenzando Julio 2015 y va manejar equipos de hombres y mujeres de nivel 'Academy' y 'Select'. Su casa sería en Sunnyvale, Texas, al este de Dallas, pero no está limitado a jugadores de este area. Nuestra prioridad son los 'Niños'- punto.


Our Focus:

1- Keeping the Talent local. Keeping all of our practices here locallly.

2- Providing practice facilities and quality coaching here locally in our area.

3- Keeping our Fees manageable. We are concentrating on 'Quality' not 'Quantity'.


Nuestro Enfoque:

1- Quedarnos con el Talento en casa. Los entranamientos se llevarían a cabo en nuestra area.

2- Tener canchas de entrenamiento y entrenadores de alta nivel en nuestra area.

3- Tener pagos razonables. Concentrarnos en 'Calidad' no 'Cantidad'.



USA SC 2005 Girls will play in Lake Highlands Girls Classic League Division 1 for the ‘20/’21 season. Team practices will take place in Sunnyvale, TX.








For info email danieldhernandez@yahoo.com or call 818-693-0231