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Daniel Hernandez' All-Stars Soccer Camp

Camp Registration

To enroll in the Daniel Hernandez' All-Stars Soccer Camp, fill out the form below:

Required fields marked with an " * "
Required fields that do not apply please type NA

Sunnyvale Christmas Community Soccer Clinic 2023

Sunnyvale, TX

Sun, Dec. 17 - Sun, Dec. 17

Child Info

First Name: *
Last Name: *
I am a: Boy  Girl *
Age: *
Birthdate: // (mm/dd/yyyy) *
T-shirt Size: Please Select Size

Parent/Guardian Info

I am the: Mother  Father  Legal Guardian *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Phone #: *
2nd Phone #:
Street Address:
State: Zip:
E-mail: *
Comments or Questions:

Wavier / Medical Release

By typing my name and dating below, I hereby release Daniel Hernandez, HernandezSoccer.com and its partners from any and all claims and liability of any kind of personal injury or property damage due to participation in this camp. I understand that participation in sports camps include physical contact and certify that my child is in good health and able to participate in all activities. I agree to notify the coaching staff of any pre-existing medical or psychological conditions. I give my consent for my child to be photographed or videotaped while participating in clinic activities and for the resulting images to be used by HernandezSoccer.com and its partners for promotional purposes. I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the medical release and waiver.

Parent/Guardian Signature:
Date: *

Human Check: 2+3= *